Start Losing Weight Today

Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center
Call 718-491-5525 or Schedule Online
Lose Weight Fast
- Medically supervised weight loss
- Non-surgical weight loss program
- Clinically proven methods
Congratulations on taking the first steps towards managing your weight and improving your health. Have you struggled with your weight? Perhaps for a long time? Or even, for most of your life?
You are not alone
Losing weight is one of the greatest challenges our country faces today. Our weight loss clinic specializes in helping patients who have been unsuccessful with previous weight loss methods, or who have tried over and over to lose weight yet keep regaining all the pounds they have lost.
What sets us apart?
Oksana Aron, M.D., Weight Loss Doctor
“Do something for yourself that can change how you look and feel. Something that will be beneficial to your health and well-being”
We are a Weight Loss practice operated by a Bariatric Physician & Weight Loss Expert
Dr Aron is a licensed physician who has received special training in Bariatric Medicine — the medical treatment of the overweight and obese. Our programs are based on the latest developments in the fields of nutrition and weight control. We provide a comprehensive, non-surgical approach to the treatment of obesity. Our program is based on medical science, not fads or fad dieting. About Oksana Aron, M.D.
We provide a Medically Proven approach to Weight Loss and maintenance.
We realize that being overweight can be a personal and frustrating experience. At Dr. Aron Medical Weight Loss Center we get to know our patients on a personal level. We know every patient is unique with special physical and emotional needs. We will help you identify your personal weight control challenges, set a realistic goal weight, and provide a weight loss program addressing your food preferences, health status, and lifestyle. About Weight Loss Program
Our weight loss motivational coaching breaks down your old habits while helping build new good ones.
Rather than offering a quick fix, our goal is to provide patients with a genuine life-changing experience. Dieting alone is not the answer. We educate patients on all aspects of weight loss and help them gain the skills required to successfully manage their weight ongoingly.Weight Loss Results
One on One Bariatric Physician care
Diet Doctor Aron identifies and treats the hidden causes of weight gain and obesity, such as slow metabolism, hormonal and nutritional imbalances or genetic factors. While in the weight loss program, you can improve your overall health and well-being, such as normalizing your cholesterol level and blood pressure. Your First Visit
There is no need to buy diet food.
We will provide a weight loss diet to guide your food preferences. Weight Loss Diet and Nutrition
Our program is safe and effective
Even patients with high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, or thyroid imbalances can lose weight safely in our program. We are also able to effectively and safely treat obese teens. About Obesity
We offer both prescription and non-prescription solutions.
When diet and exercise are not enough, proper use of medications can help you lose weight. FDA-approved prescription appetite suppressants, used to safely assist with weight loss for over 40 years, can be an option if medically indicated. If Dr. Aron has recommended such medications in your weight loss program, they are provided free of charge during your follow up visit. Weight Loss Medications
Lifetime Weight Loss Maintenance Program
When you reach your goal weight, we provide you with an ongoing weight loss maintenance program.
Contact Us
- We speak English, Spanish, Russian.
- Hablamos Español, Inglés, Ruso.
- Мы говорим на русском, английском, и испанском.
Phone: 718-491-5525
Dr. Aron Medical Weight Loss Center, 7032 4th Avenue, NY, NY 11209
Bariatric Weight Loss Physician
- Medical Weight Loss Program in New York City
- Start Losing Weight Today
- Fast Weight Loss, under Physician supervision